Good news on search tips for EMA’s website

Are you challenged when searching for specific information on the European Medicines Agency’s (EMA) website?

You are not alone.

The EMA website has been reconstructed and EMA has published some simple tips and tricks to ease and focus your search. These include use of connector words, quotation marks and truncation as well as filters. All valuable tools.

Yet, we must admit – searching for specific information, such as PRAC (Pharmacovigilance Risk Assessment Committee) recommendations and especially translations of product information (PI) can still be a challenge.

We have therefore included the link to use for PRAC recommendations and PI translations, listed in chronological order under the subheading “PRAC recommendations on safety signals: monthly overview”, including the option of choosing languages other than English.

For EMA’s search tips go to: …/medicines/search-tips.


All applications must be in eCTD format as of October first 2019